Viet Nam Yagi Storm Recovery 2024 World Bank Group Disaster Relief Drive

This relief drive will run for 10 business days, from September 23 – October 4, 2024

Yagi, the most powerful storm to make landfall in Viet Nam in 70 years, left a trail of destruction in its wake. The storm’s intense winds and heavy rainfall caused widespread flooding, landslides, and property damage. The storm resulted in major loss of life and injuries, with 329 people reported dead or missing, and approximately 1,929 injured. The storm caused significant damage to approximately 234,700 homes, 1,500 schools, and numerous other infrastructure facilities. More than 307,400 hectares of rice, crops, and fruit trees were affected by flooding, resulting in substantial agricultural losses. Almost 4,000 fish farming cages were damaged or swept away, nearly 3 million livestock and poultry were lost, and 310,000 urban trees were uprooted or broken. Recovery efforts are expected to cost roughly $1.6 billion and may cut into the country’s GDP growth rate by 0.15% compared to the previous forecast (Reuters).

The storm’s long-lasting effects will continue to be felt by Vietnamese communities, with many facing challenges in rebuilding their lives and livelihoods.

Your support is urgently needed. Your generous support will help deliver critical supplies and basic needs, including food, clean water, and medical assistance to the flood-affected communities. In addition to immediate relief, your contributions will also support long-term recovery efforts. This includes helping families rebuild their homes, restoring livelihoods, and reconstructing essential infrastructure. Every contribution, big or small, helps the affected Vietnamese people recover and rebuild. Together, we can provide support to those in need and make a significant difference.

How You Can Help:

For this relief effort, the disaster relief drive sponsors have identified an NGO, The Centre for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI), whose disaster relief work focuses on providing immediate and medium-term support for impacted provinces in northern Viet Nam.

Donate here now: (If you are unable to access the website with your web browser, please use Google Chrome.)

  • Staff and consultants in HQ and Country Offices and retirees can participate.
  • Donations for this drive can be made by credit or debit card and PayPal. Credit card payments may be subject to fees from your credit card provider. Please contact your credit card provider for further details.
  • Donations will be eligible for a 50% matching donation from the World Bank if at least 100 staff pledge a total of $10,000.
  • The corporate match for disaster relief drives is calculated as a lump sum after the end of the drive, and therefore will not be noted in your donation receipt.
  • Only donations made to “Viet Nam Yagi Storm Recovery 2024: World Bank Group Disaster Relief Drive” via the above link will be matched. Donations made directly to the NGO will not be matched.
  • For any questions, please email

This relief drive is sponsored by the Viet Nam Country Office Staff Association (COSA) and Vietnamese Staff Group in Washington D.C. with approval from the Executive Directors Office representing Viet Nam and is coordinated by ECRVP Community Connections in collaboration with the East Asia Pacific World Bank Regional Vice Presidency and the Asia and Pacific IFC Regional Vice Presidency.