From Alliance to Coalitions: The Future of Transatlantic Relations
Last Name: Koch-Weser
First and Other Names: Caio, K., with Werner Weidenfeld, C. Fred Bergsten, Walther Stultzte, and John Hamre (eds)

The transatlantic relationship between Europe and the United States is undergoing a fundamental transformation in the post-cold war and post-9/11 world. As the priorities and interests on both sides of the Atlantic that drive security issues change, other challenges further complicate relations. These include the processes of European and NATO enlargement as well as shifts in trade, finance, and economic policies. Just how will Europe and the United States manage these new challenges and how will their relationship be shaped by these developments? Is there a deepening, irreversible transatlantic rift with potentially far-reaching consequences for global order? This book develops a new transatlantic agenda and a strategy for action in response to these important questions. Looking beyond the contemporary crisis toward pending social, political, and economic challenges, the authors assess the potential impact on transatlantic relations. Structural features in the U.S.-European relationship are considered from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, providing a comprehensive evaluation. Contributors include Javier Solana, high representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union; Martti Ahtisaari, chairman of the International Crisis Group, Robert Zoellick, U.S. trade representative; and Pascal Lamy, EU Trade Commissioner.
Year of Publication: 2004
Publisher: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung
Category: Global Affairs
Language: English