The Diverse Universe: A Short Children's Picture Book About Diversity
Last Name: Wright-Mosby
First and Other Names: Deborah, & Students for Non-violent Interaction
Author Deborah Wright Mosby's writings guide young readers in her book, The Diverse Universe, to start thinking about why understanding and embracing diversity is important. The book inspires readers to view things and individuals who are different more objectively. In doing so, young readers enhance their decision-making skills and become more analytical thinkers.
Living in a diverse world allows us to embrace the strengths of each other, walk through this world together, grow, and become better together. As you read, The Diverse Universe, you will understand how differences help to make us stronger and grow in unity. You will become empowered to make better-informed choices and to be able to form alliances that increase your voice and broaden your knowledge of the real meaning of diversity.
Year of Publication: 2023
Publisher: Independently published
Category: Non-Fiction
Language: English