Arc of the Arts? A New Reading of Western Art History
Last Name: van Bolhuis
First and Other Names: Frederik

While Western history may have seen a steady stream of artistic talent, periods such as the Italian Renaissance clearly stood out. Why? What conditions allowed talent to blossom?
For the four traditional Western arts - painting, sculpture, architecture and classical music - the author found that the scholarly consensus suggests about five peaks per art, from ancient Egyptian sculpture up to the thrilling architecture of the last quarter century. The task at hand was to comb the literature on each peak for clues about any catalysts that played a role. Developing an original data set, the author weighted these factors' influence in Western art peaks.
Yes, the study concludes, new art peaks require at least somewhat favorable economic conditions, but the artform's state of innovation matters more. The potential for further peaks usually depends on how far the innovation has developed. It appears that the arts go through a life-cycle: each art's evolution traces an arc, ending in an extended tail. At the tail end of an art's cycle, other media typically take the lead.
This original, sweeping study aims to stimulate discussion among all fascinated by the evolution of the arts. They will find ample food for thought as they grapple with the uncharted terrain that the arts are about to enter.
Year of Publication: 2020
Publisher: Frederik van Bolhuis
Category: Art and Photography
Language: English