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Pierre’s Choice: A Captivating Novel of Love and Betrayal

Last Name: Robinson 

First and Other Names: Felicita "Terry"


He recalled the first time they had met. It was in the cafeteria located on the ground floor of the hospital. He thought that it was uncanny that their meeting took place on the day Juliet was transferred to the Rehabilitation Unit of The Convent Hospital. After Juliet was settled in her room, he had gone down to the cafeteria to get a cup of coffee. Angela had been sitting by herself in a secluded section of the large cafeteria. Their eyes had met as he waited in line. For a brief moment, there was some electricity between that look and those deep gray eyes.

Pierre again thought about Juliet, as he kept Angela’s tail lights in sight. He felt as if he was doing something awfully wrong, and realized that he was treading on dangerous grounds. But he brushed aside the feelings of guilt. He again convinced himself that there was absolutely nothing going on between Angela and himself. They were just two adults enjoying a night out. He alone was to be blamed for everything, because he created the love triangle out of his selfishness, he alone was the culprit and the instigator.

When Pierre Newton innocently joined a beautiful nurse for coffee in the cafeteria of the Convent Hospital, little did he know of the torrid love affair and betrayal that would unfold over the next few months, that would shatter and question his relationship with his fiancée, Now he is faced with a choice as to who he wants to spend his life with.

Travel with Pierre as that chance meeting catapulted him on a roller coaster of lies, deceit and, yes, love, as he juggles his time between both women, and which changed the lives of three people forever.

Year of Publication: 2022

Publisher: Independently published

Category: Fiction

Language: English

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