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Struggling With Success: Challenges Facing The International Economy

Last Name: Krueger

First and Other Names: Anne O.


Globalization, by which is meant the increasing economic interdependence among nations, has been a critical ingredient in enabling enormous improvement in mankind's condition. While progress has not always been smooth, and has not come without dislocation for some, the economic policy challenge has been, and is, to enable the realization of the large potential benefits of globalization while simultaneously reducing the negative side effects and providing safety nets for those whose lives are disrupted in the process.This volume focuses on the successes of globalization, and some of the main economic policy challenges and solutions that arise to enhance the benefits and lower the costs. It covers different aspects of globalization, sovereign debt restructuring, development of the financial sector and financial crises in Asia, Turkey, Brazil, etc. The final part of the book covers multilateral international organizations, namely the World Trade Organization, the IMF and the World Bank.

Year of Publication: 2012

Publisher: World Scientific

Category: Economics

Language: English

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