From Grief to Love: Walking Around England and Wales
Last Name: Carter
First and Other Names: Laurence

A widower reflects on grief, family, and the power of love in this debut memoir and travelogue.
In June 2018 Laurence Carter set off on a one-year walk of 4,314 miles around the coast of England and Wales, in honour of his late wife Melitta. He sought to raise awareness that cervical cancer can be eliminated in a generation. Before he left, a stranger told him that the people he met would change him. They did! This inspiring book recounts how those stories enabled the author to move beyond grief to finding love again.
If you have experienced grief, the poignant, funny and heartwarming vignettes in this book will give you hope. The reader accompanies the author on his physical journey around Britain's beautiful coastline and his emotional recovery. A moving, frank and heartening account of recovery from bereavement.
Year of Publication: 2024
Publisher: Edward Marmalade Publishing
Category: Travel
Language: English