A presentation by the 1818 Society Energy Thematic Group
The end of 2020, 5 years after the adoption of the Paris Climate Agreement marked a new phase for the Agreement. The 196 participating countries were requested to submit updated and,hopefully, more ambitious targets for 2030 (the so-called national determined contributions, or NCDs) as well as long-term mitigation strategies (LTS) to meet the Agreement’s temperature goals. The European Union kicked off this next round of global cooperation with the European Green Deal and a COVID-19 Recovery Plan with sizable funding for green investments.
The European Union accounts only for slightly less than 7% of global GHG emissions, in fourth place after China (28 %), the USA (15%) and India (7%). However, the EU und some of its member countries have been at the forefront of testing and implementing effective climate and clean energy policies. Even if the impact of further absolute EU emissions reductions will be marginal, what nudging function can Europe play?
Marianne Haug, is a Distinguished Fellow at the Oxford Institute of Energy Studies (OIES), Oxford University, UK. She lectures and advises on clean energy policies, innovation and investments primarily in Europe. After a career at the World Bank, she served as Director at the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris, then headed the Forum für Zukunftsenergien in Berlin, and the Advisory Group for Energy at the European Commission in Brussels, while teaching Energy Economics and Sustainable Development at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart.
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