The Energy Transition: Low-carbon technology, climate policies, SDG7/SDG13 objectives, ESG investment growth and user choices have driven the fastest energy transition in history. But will the accelerated speed be enough to deliver the sector’s required contribution to meet the world’s climate change commitments? What more do governments need to do to speed up the transition so as to keep within the 2 degrees global temperature increase? The presentation will take stock of where we are today, discuss the evolving dynamics, and highlight what is known-and still unknown.
Speaker: Marianne Haug, currently a Distinguished Fellow at the Oxford Institute of Energy Studies (OIES), Oxford University, UK. After a long career at the World Bank, she served as Director at the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris, headed the Forum für Zukunftsenergien in Berlin and as well as the Advisory Group for Energy at the European Commission in Brussels, and taught Energy Economics and Sustainable Development at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart.