A joint presentation by the 1818 Society Agriculture & Rural Development and Social & Environment Thematic Groups.
Chair: John Redwood – former Director of the Environmental and Social Sustainability Department for Latin America at the World Bank.
Moderator: Emmanuel D’Silva, an agriculture and environment specialist involved with a tree-planting initiative in the Himalayas
Kevin Cleaver and Maria Nikolov will speak of their experiences in managing a farm and a forest concession in Peru. Title: “A private-public partnership to conserve part of the Peruvian Amazon.” Both worked at the World Bank. Kevin was the Director of Agriculture Department and also Associate Vice President at IFAD in Rome. Maria is from Peru.
Harry Assenmacher and Christian Schmidt will do a presentation on the work of ForestFinance, a for-profit organization involved in reforestation in Panama. Harry is CEO of ForestFinance. Christian is a Bank retiree. For details, see: http://www.forestfinance.de
Florent Kaiser on “Scaling up native forest ecosystems in the Andes.” He is Executive Director of Global Forest Generation, an international NGO. For details, see: www.globalforestgeneration.org
The presenters will try to address some of the following issues:
1. Climate change: The general view is that massive tree planting will help mitigate the climate crisis. How successful are current efforts based on your experience? What more could be done?
2. Participation: Public involvement and local community participation is regarded as key to planting and conservation. What is your experience in this area?
3. Products and services: The livelihoods of a billion people are said to depend on forests. What unique products and services could be tapped or developed that could benefit a larger economy or the forest-dependent? (Any good examples of payment for ecological services, carbon credits, developing physical products for sale?)
4. Funding: Many reforestation and afforestation efforts suffer from insufficient funds and often depend on foreign donors. What creative ways have you used to source funds locally and globally?
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