A presentation by The 1818 Society Urban & Water Thematic Group
(Continuation of the Urban & Water TG’s “Talk Shop” series)
Speaker: Dr. Ariel Dinar, Distinguished Professor of Environmental Economics and Policy at the School of Public Policy, University of California, Riverside. He served as Lead Economist on Water and Climate Change at the World Bank. He is the editor-in-chief of the journal of Water Economics and Policy. He is an International Fellow of the Center for Agricultural Economic Research of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, a Fulbright Senior Specialist, and a 2015 Fellow of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. His research and teaching touch upon the economics of water resources, international water management, climate change and water resources, and strategic behavior of water users.
Host: Alex Bakalian
Facilitator: Rory O’Sullivan
The presentation will provide an interdisciplinary approach for considering international water management under conditions of increased scarcity and variability (both present and future as a result of climate change). It will apply a theory that is rooted in the disciplines of international relations and economics to the analysis of scarcity, variability, and cooperation over transboundary freshwater. It will demonstrate the usefulness of the theory using global datasets of transboundary water bodies (documented treaties, water availability, water variability, water-related events) and several in-depth case-studies of specific basins. It will also discuss strategies and other forms of incentives that help assuage conflict and motivate cooperation despite scarcity and variability.
Note: The host will open the meeting room at 10:30 AM for a half-hour of socializing.
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