A presentation by the 1818 Society Governance Thematic Group
Speaker: Katherine Marshall
Discussant: Judith Edstrom
Moderator: Vinay Bhargava
The 1818 Society Governance Thematic Group invites you for a conversation on faith communities’ engagement in COVID-19 emergency response, vaccination and recovery. The conversation will be led by Katherine Marshall who has been engaged in inter-faith dialogues since Jim Wolfensohn informed the Bank’s executive directors (in 2000) that he was launching a global dialogue with religious leaders and asked Katherine to lead the dialogue. She is currently part of a small team that has tracked faith responses to COVID from March 2020 and she is enmeshed in preparations for the G20 Interfaith Forum which will meet in Bologna in September 2021. The July 21 event will reflect on the immediate challenges for faith communities, implications for the post-COVID recovery, and possible lessons for Bank and other development practitioners.
Speaker’s Bio: Katherine Marshall now counts (with some angst) five decades of work on international development, with 35 years of those at the World Bank. She is now a senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs and Professor of the Practice of Development, Religion, and Conflict in the School of Foreign Service, where she teaches various courses including ethics and development. She is also the executive director of the World Faiths Development Dialogue (WFDD), which was born in the World Bank, and works to bridge gulfs separating the worlds of development and religion.
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