An 1818 Society Event (co-sponsored by the Economics, Energy, Global Finance, Transport, and Urban & Water Thematic Groups
Speaker: Junaid Kamal Ahmad, Vice President Operations and Chief Operating Officer, MIGA
Jose Luis Irigoyen, Transport Institute of Argentina’s National Academy of Engineering, ex-Senior Director for Transport and IICT Global Practice, previously led Global Expert Team on Public-Private Partnerships (2010-2013)
Pankaj Gupta, Regional Practice Director, Infrastructure, South Asia Region.
Panelists will include one representative from the Finance/Economics complex (name to be confirmed)
Moderator: Anis Dani, President, 1818 Society
Session Content: MIGA’s Vice President of Operations will introduce the New Guarantee Platform and describe how the integration of WBG guarantee products under a single platform helps to improve efficiency, simplicity, and speed to leverage financial markets for WBG clients. Presenting all guarantee products to clients as part of a package increases the choices available to leverage capital for private sector development and public-private partnerships. The goal of the new platform is to triple guarantee business to $20 billion or more by 2030. The use of guarantees to de-risk loans from capital markets also allows leveraging of vastly greater volumes of private capital than has been traditionally possible as a lending Bank.
The panel discussion will provide an opportunity to discuss the advantages and limitations of the new guarantee platform and allow operational colleagues to reflect on how this is impacting or could impact the expanded use of guarantees by WBG clients.
This will be a hybrid meeting. Coffee/tea and finger sandwiches will be available at the venue.
In-Person [MIGA conference room – (U 12-250)]
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