Book Repository

This Repository is a searchable database of all books produced by alumni in their personal capacity, after they retired from the World Bank Group. The Repository is designed to enhance our members’ awareness of books published by fellow retirees and provide easy access to them. It includes live links and information on books by retirees on any topic, in any genre, and any language. The Repository is limited to books that (1) are published after retirement from the WBG; (2) are not part of a consultancy or work assignment at another MDB or IFI; and (3) are publicly available as a free download, or at cost.

To add books to the Repository send an email to with information about the book and the web link where it can be found.

Recent Additions

Pakistan: Clash of Ideas: Pervez Hoodbhoy vs Javed Jabbar

Altaf, Anjum, 2024

It is rare to have a serious debate about the many critical ...

Pakistan Ka Matlab Kya?

Altaf, Anjum, 2023

This video was sent to academic Anjum Altaf, who likened it ...

Leave No One Behind: Time for Specifics on the Sustainable Development Goals

Kharas, Homi, John W. McArthur, and Izumi Ohno (eds), 2019

The ambitious 15-year agenda known as the Sustainable Develo...

How to Live to 100: Secrets from the World's Happiest Centenarians

Lopez, Elizabeth, 2019

Do you want to live to 100 happy and healthy? How to Live to...

Policy-Based Lending in Support of Reforms and Structural Transformation in Developing Countries: Lessons Learned from Independent Evaluations of Lending Operations by Selected Multilateral Development Banks and the European Union 2005–2019

Fardoust, Shahrokh, with Joanne Asquith, and Mark Sundberg (eds), 2023

This volume is the first global collection of evaluative mat...

National Strategies to Harness Information Technology Seeking Transformation in Singapore, Finland, the Philippines, and South Africa

Hanna, and Peter Knight (eds), Nagy, 2012

The ability to harness Information Communication Techn...