About the Society

The 1818 Society® was formed in 1978 as the organization of World Bank Group (WBG) retirees. The 1818 Society® has traditionally had two main purposes: facilitating contacts among former staff and acting as a liaison with the Bank on matters of concern to retirees such as pensions and health insurance. In addition, it provides opportunities to WBG Alumni ® for continuing learning, seminars on a variety of subjects of interest to WBG Alumni ®, participation in various activities offered by the active retirement lifestyle clubs, and networking and social interactions with fellow alumni and the World Bank Group.

1818 Society® Governing Documents

Articles of Incorporation


DC NonProfit Corporations Act, 2010


Membership is open to former staff members (including Executive Directors, Alternates and their staff) who are either receiving a World Bank Group pension or have chosen a deferred pension, and others who had  3 or more years of service, including some pensionable service, in the World Bank Group. Surviving spouses of deceased retirees are invited to become members at no cost. More than 65% of those eligible have joined the 1818 Society®. The one-time membership fee for WBG Alumni ® is $100 for International Recruited Staff, or $25 for Locally Recruited Staff in Country Offices. The society has over 7,000 members at present.

To join the Society click here

Board of Directors

Anis Dani (President and Chair)
Morallina George
Aurelio Menendez-Garcia
Maryvonne Plessis-Fraissard (Vice President)
Van Pulley
Negar Rafikian
Sanjivi Rajasingham
Lynne Sherburne-Benz
Katia Tabash
Mark Walker

Board Policies and Committees

WBG Alumni®Activities

The 1818 Society® relies on volunteers to organize and manage activities of interest to them. Currently, the activities include: 12 Thematic Groups on various topics that organize seminars with guest speakers, and meetings for professional learning; trips and tours to various destinations; hikes in the local DC area; yoga classes; visits to local places of interest; and international treks and tours.

WBG Alumni® living outside the Washington DC area can organize themselves as “Chapters” of the 1818 Society®. Chapters arrange periodic get together/activities for their members. Volunteers in the Society are also available to help refer Alumni in need to other alumni who are willing to volunteer their help through Members Helping Members. The Society issues a Quarterly newsletter that is available on this website (under “Member Resources”). Members can also submit posts to Member Blog Posts, Community Hub, and Obituaries, and access resources, including Emergency Resources, FAQs, WBG Alumni Resources, WBG Resources, and posts under the thematic groups, activity clubs, and volunteer groups of the 1818 Society® whose web pages can be located easily through Quick Links.

Annual Meetings
