Ridley Nelson, who most of you know, is releasing a book detailing his experience working on agriculture in the World Bank. The book will be released in March, and Ridley has agreed to present it to us on March 4. The presentation will also be available on WebEx. The book has been very favorably reviewed by Tom Blinkhorn. Please join us for the presentation and discussion.
Ridley Nelson’s memoir, Echoes From Far Lands, describes working on farms in his youth in Australia and on a merchant ship, and then broadens into an exploration of cultures, farming and life drawn from living in seven countries on five continents. While the encounters with cultures and farmers, especially in Africa and India, draw from working on agriculture and rural development for the World Bank, the book is not aimed at specialists and does not directly explore Bank projects. However, in his presentation and readings the author will focus mostly on selected farming and people themes from the book.
More information, including the book blurb and a means of contacting the author, is on Ridleynelson.com. The release date of the book is March 3 when it can be ordered through Amazon, either paperback or eBook (no audio). Before that date, Amazon pre-orders for the paperback can be placed for shipping March 3, or the paperback is available now from the author and from Mascot Books, Herndon. There is a link to their website on the author’s website.
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