Sponsored by the 1818 Society Transport Thematic Group
We are pleased to confirm that either or both Nicolas Peltier and Binyam Reja will be available to make a presentation via zoom on the COP 27 Findings on Climate Change and what the World Bank and Developing Countries are Committing to in the Transport Sector. Nicolas and Ben are the Director and Manager, respectively, of the Bank’s Global Transport Unit. In addition to managing the transport global agenda, they have a key role in ensuring that the Transport Group continues functioning as a Global Practice despite the reorganization of 2019. This should be a very interesting and timely presentation.
- Nicolas Peltier – Global Director, Global Transport
- Binyam Reja – Practice Manager, Global Knowledge
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Passcode: 060361
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Meeting ID: 884 4405 9219
Passcode: 060361