A joint presentation by WB History and Economics Thematic Groups, and the WBG Library.In this webinar, Frank Vibert, Associate at the Centre for the Analysis of Risk and Regulation, LSE, will talk about his book, Comity: Multilateralism in the New Cold War. Published September 2021, the book identifies a critical new juncture in world politics. It arises from a conjunction between a major shift in the relative power of nations and fundamental differences over the values that should be applied in international rulemaking. The old Cold War of opposing world views is over, but hopes for a new global order are being dashed and a new trial between opposing values is now underway. The new tensions center on the clash between the values that are held within democratic societies and those espoused by increasingly assertive, autocratic regimes, notably, Russia and China.
In this new international setting, fully multilateral rulemaking becomes almost impossible. The book sets out two main alternative ways through the impasse – splitting the agenda into narrow technical components and rulemaking by clubs of like-minded democratic countries. Regulation provides the instruments through which like-minded democratic groups aim to protect and project their values relative to those of autocratic countries. In a world where rulemaking is segmented into different regimes, the need to avoid unnecessary conflict between regimes becomes essential. This is where the longstanding legal concept of ‘comity’ enters the picture as the guide to manage relationships between different rule-makers.
Frank Vibert’s presentation will highlight key points in the analysis and what it means for the future of the World Bank.
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